swiss pesäpallo community

Kategorie: World Cup (Page 2 of 2)

World Cup 2017

Mittlerweile gibt es auch die offizielle Anlaufstelle für Infos rund um die Pesäpallo Weltmeisterschaft in Turku. Anbei die Nachricht von Antti.

Pesis World Cup 2017

Pesis World Cup 2017

Dear friend of pesäpallo.

Next year there will exceptionally many good reasons to travel to Finland. Lonely Planet lists Finland as one of the top three Best in Travel destinations 2017. According to the National Geographic Finland is among the places you need to visit next year. ‘40 national parks, 12 wilderness areas, and six national hiking areas are sanctuaries for silence-seekers.’ Even Turku Region has a lot to offer:

In addition Finland will celebrate the centenary of its independence 2017. As part of festivities the 9th Pesäpallo World Cup tournament will be played in Turku from 20 July until 24 July.

Pesäpallo is a Finnish national sport and speciality. Enjoy the game the most authentic way in its home country and feel the spirit. This is a unique experience to be explored only in Finland.

Pesäpallo super week will start with the U14 camp. More than 100 teams are expected to arrive in Turku on Sunday 16th of July. Even World Cup players have a possibility to watch the junior games and talk to the future talents.

Most of all Pesäpallo World Cup is known of its close community which however is easy to join. Sport belongs to everyone. Finland will celebrate its 100 years as independent nation under the theme ‘together’ which is highlighted in the Pesäpallo World Cup tournament too. Come together, enjoy the game and join the party. Whoever is welcome to be part of the tournament as player, referee, coach or spectator. If you’re lacking a national team, join us as an individual participant.

Tournament Super Pass costs 100 € for each participant including lots of Finnish-style activities which are not easy to be carried out as a solo traveler. Take a look at those great Super Pass benefits:

‘Together – feel free to join us.’

More information about the World Cup:

Team sign-up:

Individual player sign-up:

Welcome to Turku!


Liebe PesäpallospielerInnen der Schweiz

Nächstes Jahr findet in Turku die Pesäpallo-WM vom 20.-24. Juli statt. In Absprache mit allen Teamchefs der vier Teams der Schweiz bitte ich Dich via Mail bis am 30. September bei mir zu melden, wenn Du DEFINITIV an diesen Tagen für das Schweizer Team auflaufen möchtest.

Bitte halte in Deinem Mail Deinen Namen, Deine zwei bevorzugten Positionen im Feld und Deinen Wunsch bezüglich Team (Mixed, Männer, Frauen) fest.

Deine Mail gilt in diesem Fall als definitive Zusage. Wir rechnen nach Erhalt also mit Dir!

Solltest Du Interesse bekunden, kannst aus unterschiedlichsten Gründen jedoch nicht eine definitive Zusage tätigen, bitte ich Dich mir dies ebenfalls in einer Mail mit obenstehenden Informationen mitzuteilen.

Die Mailadresse lautet:

Weitere Informationen erhältst Du zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt.
Reto Brotschi


Dear Pesäpalloplayers of Switzerland

Next year the World Cup is taking place in Turku from the 20th to the 24th of July. In consultation with all teamcaptains I now need your confirmation via e-mail until the 30th of September if you are DEFINITELY willing to participate and play for the swiss team during these days.

In your confirmation I need to know your full name, your two prefered playing positions and which team you’d like to play in (Mixed, Mens, Women).

Your confirmation e-mail counts as a definite participation, meaning that we’ll be counting on you from that point on.

In case you are interested in playing there, but for some reasons can’t confirm your definite participation yet, then just let me know along with the above mentioned information needed.

The E-Mail adress is:

You’ll receive further information later on.


Reto Brotschi

Final Results

The 8th Pesäpallo World Cup 2015 in Luzern has come to an end. It’s been a flash! Thank you all very much for coming and sharing this unique moments. I’m personally really impressed by the gameplay that caught my eyes and proud to see Switzerland getting its first medal in Pesäpallo. So without further due, here is the ranking:

1. Place Men: Finland


2nd Place Men: Australia


3rd Place Men, Germany


4th Place Men: Switzerland

1st Place Mixed: Finland


2nd Place Mixed: Australia


3rd Place Mixed: Switzerland


4th Place Mixed: Germany


Best Player in Men’s Team
Finland: Jari Vatanen
Australia: Daniel Nyrhinen
Germany: Konstantin Oikonomides
Switzerland: Nathanael Greuter

Best Player in Mixed Team
Finland: Jaana Marjamäki
Australia: Blair Heiskanen
Germany: Antti Wolk
Switzerland: Xavier Langlois

Best Player of the Tournament is Luke Niemi (Australia).

We have had a few boys and girls that got injured this week. I’m sad to see you guys hurt and I wish you to get well soon.

One more special thanks to Henna and Antti who made it possible to have a world cup in Switzerland. Without you guys, international Pesäpallo would definitly not be the same!

As this world cup has just ended, the next one is just around the corner. I hope to see you all in Turku for the 9th Pesäpallo World Cup.


And the finalists are …

Finland and Australia! The teams will face each other for the finals on Saturday in both men and mixed categories.


We are looking forward to see some great finals, but befor we do that – the game for bronze is due tomorrow. Germany (or shall I say Team International?) will face Switzerland:

Finals Friday
10. July
11. July
09-11 Women’s Game
Small Field
11-14 Switzerland vs Germany
Big Field
Finland vs Australia
Small Field
15-18 Switzerland vs Germany
Small Field
Finland vs Australia
Big Field

Time to go out and have a beer or two! See you there!

About time for World Cup!

Next week we will already be playing and fighting for medals. It is time to get ready. Here’s a few final notes and some infos. I hope to meet most of you at the fields on monday.

Pickup / Guide from Airport
To get from Zürich Airport to Luzern we recommend taking the train. You can look up the timetable on the following website when searching for departure «Zürich Flughafen» to «Luzern»:

Of course, there will be boards showing up-to-date train connections on the railstation. The station is underground right next to the airport and clearly signaled. You can also find a ticket corner to buy your group tickets right on spot if you do not have any yet.
Feel free to also use this website to look up information on bus connections within lucern or other travel needs within switzerland.

If you require a guide or on site assistance, I’m happy to try and get you someone from the swiss pesäpallo community to come pick you up. Please send me an e-mail ( or call one of the swiss contacts listed below.

Please have your teams captain or representant get in touch with Stefan or Henna on Monday or Tuesday prior to the games so we can give you the latest and on-site infos.

All participants are responsible to have sufficient insurance. Of course we hope everything will go smothly, but in case of damages or even injuries the players in question are liable. Common travel insurances should be sufficient. Please double check to be safe.

Facebook Group
The Group «Pesäpallo World Cup Switzerland 2015» is now open. Feel free to share your pics and comments.

Party on Saturday
If we are blessed with nice weather, we will be holding the medals ceremony on site right after the final games on saturday. In case of bad weather we will shift this into the party which will start at 10pm at the Schüür in Lucern. We’ll have a bar area for participants only and up stairs floor + guarden that is open for public. Entry is free.

Emergency and other useful numbers
117 Plice
118 Fire department
114 Emergency rescue service (Ambulance)
145 Poisioning emergencies

1811 Inquiries for Switzerland (Information Assistance)
162 Weather forecast

+41 78 915 25 21, Swiss Contact: Henna (finnish / english)
+41 79 823 95 52, Swiss Contact: Stefan (english / german)

Enlisted Teams and Schedule for Wold Cup

We are happy to announce the enlisted teams. Though we are still looking for individual Players willing to take part to enhance teams staff. So please let us know at

Enlisted Nations


All nations are enlisted for both men and mixed category. We will schedule one match for women only and see if we can gather up a swiss and an opponent team. This game is likely to be on friday or saturday morning. If you are a female softball or baseball player and interessted in playing – get in touch with us.

Play Schedule
The following schedule may be subject to slight changes but should remain in general form and timeframe, so you can plan accordingly. We decided to leave monday out of the tournament schedule as some players will be arriving on that day. The fields will be prepared by monday and ready for warm-up and practise games for anyone interessted.

A group phase will be played from Tuesday to Thursday in which all teams face each other once in both categories. The first two teams proceed straight into the Final on saturday. 3rd and 4th place after group phase will play for bronze on friday.

Category: Men
Big Field
6. July
7. July
8. July
9. July
10-12 free for practice
 DEU – AUS  –
12-14 free for practice  –  CHE – FIN  –
14-16 free for practice  –  CHE – DEU  CHE – AUS
16-18 free for practice  –  AUS – FIN  DEU – FIN


Category: Mixed
Small Field
6. July
7. July
8. July
9. July
10-12 free for practice  CHE – DEU  –  CHE – FIN
12-14 free for practice  FIN – AUS  –  AUS – DEU
14-16 free for practice  DEU – FIN  –  –
16-18 free for practice  CHE – AUS  –  –


 Finals Friday
10. July
11. July
09-11 * possible women game *
Small Field
* possible women game *
Small Field
11-14 3. / 4. Men
Big Field
Final Mixed
Small Field
15-18 3. / 4. Mixed
Small Field
Men Final
Big Field

In case you have any questions or conflicts regarding the time schedule don’t hesitate to contact us.

Note: There will be a party on saturday night. Stay tuned for more information on that.

World Cup Sign up – deadline!

We are getting closer and closer to the event. We are looking forward to meet you all and have a few great play days. The current sign-ups are not as solid as we hoped they would be by now. So we extend the deadline for sign-ups until 30th of April and we will work with you to get your sign-ups confirmed.

Thus far, based on inqueries we had, we are looking at the following teams:
– Finnland
– Astralia
– India
– Individuals (France)
– Switzerland

In the following weeks, we will try to contact you again to get your sign-ups confirmed. Also, we’ll try to reach teams in germany and possibly sweden. It is imperative to us to complete sign-ups by end of April. Please, form your team and get it enlisted.

If you need an invitation letter for possible visa requests (e.g. India), we can send you one – but you have to let us know (Name, Forname, Nationality and year of birth) for all your travelors.

A good place to be

We are happy to announce Luzern as a host city for the 8th Pesäpallo World Cup.


In addition to a breath taking panorama and many buitiful sites nearby to visit, you will also experience our special way of playing pesäpallo on gras. Sadly, sand-like fields are rare and often don’t meet the necessary requirements for our sport. So, gras it is!

Check out the World Cup page where we added more information for you. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Announcing dates for World Cup 2015 in Switzerland

The 8th Pesäpallo World Cup will be held during 5th – 12th of July 2015.


Sign-Up is open for all categories men, mixed and women. If you want to sign up an entire Team – great! Please also let us know if you can’t form a complete team or even if you plan to come alone. Even if you are not 100% sure, we appreciate your feedback at

For any other questions don’t hesitate to get in touch with us via Naturally, we will be releasing more details as we get closer to the event.

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