swiss pesäpallo community

Kategorie: World Cup 2017

Finland – here we come!

Vergangenen Sonntag fand das letzte WM-Training in Solothurn statt. Wir sind bereit und dürfen uns allmählich auf die Spiele freuen.

Swiss Pesäpallo Team 2017

Swiss Pesäpallo National Team 2017, Foto: Marc Henzi

An dieser Stelle schonmal ein grosses Dankeschön an alle Akteure. Spieler, Helfer, Organisatoren und natürlich Coaches. Gute Reise, gutes Spiel – aber vorallem viel Spass!

Die Solothurner Zeitung berichtet heute über die schweizer Pesäpallo Delegation. Absolut lesenswert! Und die Fotos… die Fotos!
Artikel: Als Favoritenschreck an die Pesäpallo-WM nach Turku: «Wollen ein ungemütlicher Gegner sein»

World Cup 2017

Mittlerweile gibt es auch die offizielle Anlaufstelle für Infos rund um die Pesäpallo Weltmeisterschaft in Turku. Anbei die Nachricht von Antti.

Pesis World Cup 2017

Pesis World Cup 2017

Dear friend of pesäpallo.

Next year there will exceptionally many good reasons to travel to Finland. Lonely Planet lists Finland as one of the top three Best in Travel destinations 2017. According to the National Geographic Finland is among the places you need to visit next year. ‘40 national parks, 12 wilderness areas, and six national hiking areas are sanctuaries for silence-seekers.’ Even Turku Region has a lot to offer:

In addition Finland will celebrate the centenary of its independence 2017. As part of festivities the 9th Pesäpallo World Cup tournament will be played in Turku from 20 July until 24 July.

Pesäpallo is a Finnish national sport and speciality. Enjoy the game the most authentic way in its home country and feel the spirit. This is a unique experience to be explored only in Finland.

Pesäpallo super week will start with the U14 camp. More than 100 teams are expected to arrive in Turku on Sunday 16th of July. Even World Cup players have a possibility to watch the junior games and talk to the future talents.

Most of all Pesäpallo World Cup is known of its close community which however is easy to join. Sport belongs to everyone. Finland will celebrate its 100 years as independent nation under the theme ‘together’ which is highlighted in the Pesäpallo World Cup tournament too. Come together, enjoy the game and join the party. Whoever is welcome to be part of the tournament as player, referee, coach or spectator. If you’re lacking a national team, join us as an individual participant.

Tournament Super Pass costs 100 € for each participant including lots of Finnish-style activities which are not easy to be carried out as a solo traveler. Take a look at those great Super Pass benefits:

‘Together – feel free to join us.’

More information about the World Cup:

Team sign-up:

Individual player sign-up:

Welcome to Turku!


Liebe PesäpallospielerInnen der Schweiz

Nächstes Jahr findet in Turku die Pesäpallo-WM vom 20.-24. Juli statt. In Absprache mit allen Teamchefs der vier Teams der Schweiz bitte ich Dich via Mail bis am 30. September bei mir zu melden, wenn Du DEFINITIV an diesen Tagen für das Schweizer Team auflaufen möchtest.

Bitte halte in Deinem Mail Deinen Namen, Deine zwei bevorzugten Positionen im Feld und Deinen Wunsch bezüglich Team (Mixed, Männer, Frauen) fest.

Deine Mail gilt in diesem Fall als definitive Zusage. Wir rechnen nach Erhalt also mit Dir!

Solltest Du Interesse bekunden, kannst aus unterschiedlichsten Gründen jedoch nicht eine definitive Zusage tätigen, bitte ich Dich mir dies ebenfalls in einer Mail mit obenstehenden Informationen mitzuteilen.

Die Mailadresse lautet:

Weitere Informationen erhältst Du zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt.
Reto Brotschi


Dear Pesäpalloplayers of Switzerland

Next year the World Cup is taking place in Turku from the 20th to the 24th of July. In consultation with all teamcaptains I now need your confirmation via e-mail until the 30th of September if you are DEFINITELY willing to participate and play for the swiss team during these days.

In your confirmation I need to know your full name, your two prefered playing positions and which team you’d like to play in (Mixed, Mens, Women).

Your confirmation e-mail counts as a definite participation, meaning that we’ll be counting on you from that point on.

In case you are interested in playing there, but for some reasons can’t confirm your definite participation yet, then just let me know along with the above mentioned information needed.

The E-Mail adress is:

You’ll receive further information later on.


Reto Brotschi

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